This is our news archive. Have fun scrolling.


Back from Hiatus

Dear Family and Friends,

after a rough time, we are happy to slowly awake from hibernation. Since we all missed making music together so much, the first thing we do is to lock ourselves into our rehearsal studio and to play and track some songs. And immediately, the excitement is back and we absolutely love what urges to come out in the open again.

We send love out and hope to see you soon!


Happy New Year

Dear Family and Friends,

as for so many of you, 2021 has been a rough year. We certainly hope that we can move forward in 2022 with our recording projects as well as playing some more shows.

Although the schedule is thinner than ever, we are keen on getting productive and creative and doing what we love so much.

Thank you for your support and loyalty, have a good start into the new year and as always, stay kind and healthy.


Home Game

Dear Family and Friends,

we are super excited to return to the renowed Knust on the 15th of September.

We will be sharing the stage with our good friends the Salty Saints and Fin Dawson. Check out the Trailer and get your tickets here.

Due to covid restrictions, the capacity is reduced, so better be quick :-). We are looking forward to meeting you again for our only show in Hamburg 2021.

As always stay kind, stay safe.


Playing in a sea of flowers

What a start! We have played in some beautiful and extraordinary locations, but being surrounded by a sea of flowers was something truly special. We can’t thank the whole team in Neumünster enough for putting together such an amazing event to start off the season. For most of the participants, this was the first concert they attended in a year and although one had to remain seated throughout the show, it was a very special evening for all of us.

Nevertheless, next friday another show awaits us as an online streaming event, when we join the regional finals of the SPH Bandcontest. If you like to attend the show, please follow this link.

Till then, stay kind and enjoy the weather


Getting back on Track

Dear Friends,

with cautious and small steps, we come out of our corona-hibernation with a few concerts and requests coming our way, the allowance to actually rehearse again and loads of fine folks working hard to get the cultural life up and running again. Thank you!

We couldn’t be happier about this, being well aware that we all still have to be careful and that the first shows will be different to what we were used to. But nevertheless, the experience of live music is coming back; starting in the beautiful Gerisch-Park in Neumünster for us.

The first rehearsals in over 6 months drew a big smile to our faces and butterflies in the tummies.

We are looking forward to see you again in one of the shows to come.

Till then, as always stay safe, stay kind


International Women’s Day

To celebrate and to support the International Women’s Day, the performance art group KOLLEKTIVA made a video to our song „Woman“.

Watch the amazing performance here:

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Kollektiva. (

It’s an honor for us to see the inspiration that others draw from our music.

Thank you so much and stay healthy!


Craving for Music

Hi All,

We miss you! You, the audience, who claps along, sings along, dances along, meets us after the show for a chat, listens, enjoys.

And we do miss us as well, since we aren’t allowed to rehearse or even meet at the moment.

Big plans, great songs, jams, recording sessions, shootings have to wait for now.

So we hope that you and your loved ones are all well and healthy and you keep on keeping on.

Hope to see you soon.

PS: we did some spring cleaning to the news section and moved the older stories to the archive.


Goodbye 2020

Hi folks! What a year this has been. Towards the end of it we wanna bless you all and wish you all the best for the next one. We are still here and working on our first album. As a proof, here is a an exklusive preview of our new song redemption for you.

Since we are not allowed to meet we obviously get a little stuck with our progress but we have high hopes for the next year.

Love you all- PJ

P.s.: Ain‘t it redemption we are all looking for right now?!


What to do, when there is not much to do

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There we are, in the middle of the pandemic not really getting anywhere right now. For all of us, but especially for musicians and pretty much every one in the event business as well as for fans, this long haul is exceptionally challenging. 

Nevertheless, we try to use the time to its best extend and record an Album. Therefore we write, arrange and record new Songs, look over old songs, and keep on keeping on.

In the meantime, we recommend watching our latest streaming concert here, debauch in fond memories here, of course listen to our music here, or check out the playlist we made of songs that inspire us here.

Don’t forget to update your calendar with the latest show dates for 2021.

We wish all of you a great late summer, enjoyable last days of sunshine and a good start into the cozy season.

Stay kind, stay healthy, take care.

PJ livestream – what the Häkk?

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Hey all,

we’ve recorded a live concert for at the wonderful Häkken club, which will be streamed on the 5th of August, 8pm. During the show, we will be in the live chat.

The show is free, but you can support the location and ourselves by getting yourself a ticket and by donating some stuff that will be available during the show. We would very much appreciate your support!

Click on the Facebook Event to follow the newest updates.

Furthermore, we like to thank you all very much for listening so often to our new single WOMAN and for all the great appreciation and nice comments you sent. It really means a lot.

WOMAN out now

There we are. We are proud to annouce, that our single „Woman“ is now available on all online music services.

Listen to it, listen to it again, show it to your friends, dance to it, drive along to it, enjoy.

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Photographer: Eric Anders

The song was written, performed and produced by Port Joanna, recorded and mixed by our fellow Dario and mastered by Maximilian Hardinghaus. The Cover photo was taken by Eric Anders.

Stay healthy, stay strong and keep questioning what bothers you.

Your Port Joanna

New Single „Woman“ out on 10th July 2020

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Photographer: Eric Anders

Great news! Our new song „Woman“ will be released on all common online platforms next Friday the 10th of July. If you already wanna know what it’s about we have made a little description: 

„This song is written for women. It’s sole purpose is to celebrate the 
strength and resilience of a woman. The words “wathint’abafazi 
” are derived from a slogan (south African resistance 1956)
It translates “you strike a woman,you strike a rock”.

Worldwide, women suffer from Gender Based violence and yet still like the air, they rise. This song highlights that.

A Show is happening! (02.07.2020)

Dear All,

scrolling through the list of shows this year is a sad thing to do. Not only for us, but for all and every musician and music enthusiast.

But wait! The brave people in the event agency of Kalifornien – Schönberg worked hard to accommodate the rules of the bloody pandamic and came up with everything it needs to let the events of Junge Bühne Kalifornien come to life.

We have the honor to open the row of concerts on the 2nd of July.

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Have a look at the events website for more info. One have to register online (click here) or on site to participate, the event itself is for free!

We are amazed and outstandingly happy that this show can take place in hopefully amazing weather and with lots of people (within distance of course).

See you there, stay healthy and enjoy the summer.

Port Joanna

Quarantine Cover

Hello World,

While quarantine still remains, keeps us distanced and at home, we figured it would be nice to try another video. This time, we play the song „Hard Place“ by H.E.R., which became a secret classic within our shows, because you all sing along and make up a massive choir that is so beautiful to hear and to play to.

Furthermore, there are rumors, that maybe in August some shows could actually happen, but who knows for sure? So lets all hope, that this is over sooner than later.

Stay kind and healthy!

New Video Out

Hi everyone,

We hope you’re healthy and do not suffer too hard from the circumstances (Stay home!). Seeing the list of shows for this year, that will most certainly not be happening make us of course feel sad, but we are tying to book the shows for next year or later 2020 with good hope, that the crisis has calmed to a point where performances in public are doable again and that the locations, bookers and event agencies still exist at that time.

Of course, we are not able to meet as a band now, so we thought it might be fun to do a video recording of us virtually playing together. And here it is: Simple

Enjoy and let us know what you think.


Dear all,

it’s a real pity, but obviously the next shows to come are cancelled and as everyone else, neither us or the event representatives know, when the world calms down again and we can continue to hit the stages.

We do hope, that you all are well and stay well and that this situation is not going on for too long.

A big shout out to all our music colleagues, bars, clubs, event agencies, event rentals an so on, who are now closed down completely. Pressing thumbs, that you all can endure for some time with emptying pockets.

Bear with us, stay kind and healthy and as soon as there is some news, you can see it here.

Port Joanna

Ticket Mailorder

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Hi Folks,

We made it to the SPH Bandcontest City Finals! Thank you so much for voting for us!

As nowadays ticketsales in person are harder to do than we all wish it should be, we came up with a ticket mailorder for your convenience. In order to receive your ticket, head over to, fill out the form and get the ticket delivered to your home.

See you soon.


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Dear all,

We are proud and happy to announce, that today is the release of our new single HOT STUFF.

We recorded this piece live at K-Klangstudio to maintain the true Port Joanna vibe and we couldn’t be happier with the result. As always, Dario „Magic Ears“ Leps did the mixing. 

You can listen to HOT STUFF on all common streaming services like

Spotify, tidal, deezer, apple music, google play, amazon, …

Lucky enough, there is a show happening today as well at KommDu Kulturkafé, where we will celebrate the new release.

We hope to see you there or at any other show soon and hope you like the new song just as much as we do.

Back on Track 2020

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We are very happy to announce, that the first show of 2020 will take place tomorrow and leads us to our good old friend Prinz Willy in Kiel. As one can see on our Live page, we are back on track and have some very cool shows booked, from Neumünster till Kalifornien, the first half of the year will get us around. We will participate in our first Band contest and we do have a SOLD OUT show in Buxtehude already! Thank you!

Furthermore, we continue to do some studiowork to supply you hopefully soon with some fine recorded tunes, which is just great fun.

We are exited to see all of you on one of the upcoming shows and enjoy a bit of jitters after the months of stage absence.

Take these broken Wings and learn to fly again

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Hi everyone and welcome back to a new year! 

Unfortunately this one starts with bad news:
Our beloved singer tash is ill and we have to cancel our hard rock cafe show next week. (15.1) 

But as always there‘s some good News! During our winter break we did indeed work on some new material and recorded it. 

We will soon release one song at a time! 
The first one‘s coming very very soon, so stay tuned! 

We wish you all the best and of course a happy new year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Dear Friends, Fans and Followers,

we look back on an overwhelmingly good year for us as a band. We played lots of shows again (watch the aftermovie here), went to the studio, recorded in our humbled space, wrote new songs and grew together even more.

We also learned a lot. For example, that we can’t step down from our self set level of quality, just because time is ticking. This is why, one can’t hear our studiowork so far, can’t see a music video or can’t see new pictures. We got aware more and more of what we are abled to do between the shows, the rehearsals, the booking and managing, and the work for living sides of things.

So more than ever, we say „thank you“ to all our supporters, to all the nice feedback we got, to all of you coming to us after a show and of course to all of our listeners.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, some enjoyable days of calming down and a happy start into the new Year.

Tash, Jannik, Dario and Moe

Thank you strangers!

Thank You Strangers! And Thank You acquaintances and friends!

2019 has been a great year for us as a band and it still is. We appreciate the support during our Tour and are very happy about all who and which came along.

The song you hear in the Video is called STRANGERS and it’s by us :-). 

We will go into the winter season now and hope to see you again next year. Until then, we will do some bandwork, maybe some recording, definitely some booking, most likely some editing and for sure some songwriting.

See you soon.

Read Port Joanna

We are very proud and thankful for being featured in HH01 Magazine, Zimbabwe’s Premier Music and Lifestyle Magazine. Flip through the pages here.

It feels wonderful to experience such a strong support, not only in the magazine, but also on and around our shows throughout the country. It’s highly appreciated.

Meanwhile, we continue to brave the weather (and you do too – thanks), that has not been on our side on the last stops of our tour and are very happy to announce the first shows for early 2020.

Until then, we hope to see you in one of this years remaining shows and wish you a beautiful late summer.

We’re turning 50!

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Dear All,

it’s been an absolutely great summer so far. You all have been amazing on every single concert and we can’t say thank you often enough for supporting us so strong.

On this upcoming Saturday, the 27th of July 2019, we are happy to announce, that we play our 50th Port Joanna Show at Strandräuber in (believe it or not) Kalifornien.

Oh Boy, it’s been a journey. 49 shows, 49 cheering crowds, 49 setlists, 49 times setting up and 49 times taking down and 49 times meeting nice people and have a chat after the show. As one can see above, we are looking forward to the next 50 shows, crowds, setlists and packings and chats.

So if you like, join the party next saturday and raise your glasses with us!

As always, till then, stay kind.

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…

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So here we are. Tomorrow we will start off the summer show season at BEGU Lemwerder and yes, we are exited! With a big smile on our faces, we look at the list of upcoming shows throughout the next months and are proud and happy to jump in the van and be on the road again and most of all, get on stage and play.

Thank you everyone for the support so far. It’s been amazing. We hope to see you at one of the shows.

Until then, stay kind.

Hello! Goodbye! It’s nice when you stop by.

Dear Friends,

we are very sorry, that we had to postpone the Tanz-in-den-Mai Show at Prinz Willy due to illness. It’s the first time for us, that something like that happened and it wasn’t easy. The show is now rescheduled to the 14th of June and we hope to see you all there dancing again.

Our friends at Ostseebad Laboe found some really nice words, which we want to share with you here:

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We will play there on the 1st of September.

We booked some more shows this summer. Head over to our Live Page and have a look when a show near you is happening.

So while spring is blooming all around, we lock into our rehearsal studio and keep on working on some new tunes.

See you all soon!

Joanna’s on the Road again

We hope, that all of you had a great start into 2019. While we are working on new stuff, a couple of shows have been booked throughout the year. We are very happy to come to some new places and to visit some friends again as well.

A huge thank you goes out to you listening to our songs online, on CD or actually bought a copy of the Vinyl Version of our EP.

See you soon!

It’s here!

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Finally there it is. Out EP „Atlas“ on Vinyl. We couldn’t be happier (as one can see) and we are proud to have it.

The EP is available at our gigs of course (also on CD) and in the online store of our Label K-Klangträger.

Thanks to everybody who helped us on the way!

Happy New Year!

Our best wishes for a blessed 2019 go out to everybody! May the new Year bring all of you some steps further towards your dreams.

We will start out on the 24th of January with a big show at KNUST Hamburg. The stage will be shared with Fheels and Sons & Preatchers. Get your Tickets here, it’s going to be an exiting evening!

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We have a lot of stuff planned for 2019 and we can’t wait to get started and share all of that with you.

Until then, stay kind.

Merry Christmas and a big Thank you

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Wow, what a year!

As we are sorting out our best memories of 2018, we realized that we played in living rooms, on big stages, on small stages, at the beach, in the rain, in the sun, in the morning and at nighttime. We came to a lot of places and met so many good people and had an amazing good time throughout.

Thank you all for supporting us!

We are now giving ourselves some rest, but be sure, that lots of stuff is planned for 2019 and we are very exited to start into the next year. The first show will be at Knust in Hamburg on January the 24th and it will be big!

We figured, that not everyone is keen on using social media, so one of the many things that we will do in 2019, are regular updates right here on our website.

So long, stay blessed and have a wonderful Christmas!

See you soon.